Twisted Tree Photography

Twisted Tree Tree Photography at Hawclif Farms

Welcome to new beginnings and a little bit about us!

Hey there! Thank you so much for stopping by & checking out our site! As you can see we are still just a bit under the construction and add-on phase as we begin another adventure further into the interwebs but we all have to start somewhere right? A little bit about us… Once upon a […]

Farming Legacies & Harvest Heroes

My husband and I both come from a long line of harvest heroes before that was even a term. There is a common saying in the agriculture world that farming is in the blood and we certainly feel that’s true. The work, the life, its roots down deep just like the crops and you feel […]

Just a relaxing little Sunday Funday

Enjoying the sunshine & playing around a little with a new lens this afternoon with light refractions, speed, our furry critter & a happy little frog that is always left out to remind us that summer will indeed return! Our kids have officially reached the age where the fur baby is more willing & poses […]

Indiana Sunsets & Pride-worthy Skies

Breathtaking Indiana sunsets and flags flown with pride are a common site in the heart of the Midwest. Especially in the rural areas where you may even see a painted flag quite literally taking up almost an entire side or roof of a barn. I’ve often wondered what if we ever moved away, though hard […]

World Soil Day

Today I learned that it is World Soil Day. Seems as though there’s a world or national day of something just about every day but this was one I could certainly get on board with! (As well as National Cookie Day, Pizza Day, Taco Day, Ice Cream Day, Coffee Day… you get me.) This is […]

Mondays Need Sunshine

It’s one of those cloudy, gray Mondays where we have to do what we can to create our own sunshine! Sometimes I swear I run on solar power. Such a huge difference in energy levels & what I tend to get done on a sunny day versus a cloudy one! Can you relate? One of […]