Twisted Tree Photography

Twisted Tree Tree Photography at Hawclif Farms

It’s one of those cloudy, gray Mondays where we have to do what we can to create our own sunshine! Sometimes I swear I run on solar power. Such a huge difference in energy levels & what I tend to get done on a sunny day versus a cloudy one! Can you relate? One of the reasons I’m always happy to have some bright, sunny pictures to look at and imagine feeling the heat on those dreary days!

And here’s a side note of useless trivial information. Have you ever googled grey vs. gray for correct spelling? Both are said to be correct! Gray is the more common American English spelling of the word since the late 1800s whereas grey is said to be the original spelling from the British English language and more commonly used outside of the United States.

And now, enough trivia, I really need to stop procrastinating and go get my Monday done! Make it a great week friends!

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