Welcome to new beginnings and a little bit about us!

Hey there! Thank you so much for stopping by & checking out our site! As you can see we are still just a bit under the construction and add-on phase as we begin another adventure further into the interwebs but we all have to start somewhere right? A little bit about us… Once upon a […]
Indiana Sunsets & Pride-worthy Skies

Breathtaking Indiana sunsets and flags flown with pride are a common site in the heart of the Midwest. Especially in the rural areas where you may even see a painted flag quite literally taking up almost an entire side or roof of a barn. I’ve often wondered what if we ever moved away, though hard […]
World Soil Day

Today I learned that it is World Soil Day. Seems as though there’s a world or national day of something just about every day but this was one I could certainly get on board with! (As well as National Cookie Day, Pizza Day, Taco Day, Ice Cream Day, Coffee Day… you get me.) This is […]